Which hamster is right for you? Syrian or Dwarf?

Because they are larger and easier to tame than dwarf hamsters, Syrian hamsters are the most popular hamsters with young children. However, each breed of hamster has its own set of traits, so be careful if you want to keep it as a pet.

Most parents think that having a hamster is a great way for their children to learn responsibility and care for animals. Parents also found that their children had a strong attachment to Syrian hamsters. Many people are surprised to know how much personality each hamster has.

Syrian hamsters, often known as golden hamsters or teddy bear hamsters, can reach about 6 inches in length. It is easier to handle because of its size, unlike the smaller dwarf species, which grow to only three to four inches in length. Due to their size and speed, dwarf hamsters can easily get away from young children, making them a desirable companion for older children.

Hamsters are notorious for biting, but this only happens when not properly cared for. Hamsters, for example, are nocturnal and spend most of their time at night and sleep all day. Young children can bite if they try to touch them when they need to sleep.

Hamsters are nocturnal, so you should consider your child's routine. Hamsters are great pets because they don't need much attention throughout the day. Your child's hamster will be resting while at school or participating in extracurricular activities. Hamsters will be very happy as long as they have access to a peaceful part of the house.

This also means that the hamster spins its wheels at night and makes noises in its cage. Keeping the cage away from the sleeping area can help ensure that your child's sleep is not disturbed.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to homes with Syrian hamsters is that they should not be kept in the same cage. As for other hamsters, they are very territorial and will fight to the death. These hamsters are solitary by nature, so you should keep them like that at home. Despite their independence, they form very strong bonds with people.

On the other hand, dwarf hamsters perform well in groups of two if they have been together since they were young. If you do not want to have a hamster, make sure the hamsters in the cage are of the same sex.

Dwarf hamsters can be injured if trapped in a barbed wire designed for larger Syrian hamsters, so it is important to select the desired hamster breed before purchasing pet equipment. A dwarf hamster's smaller cage should also be of a smaller size for other supplies.

Hamsters have a very limited lifespan of 2 to 3 years compared to other pets. On the other hand, Syrian hamsters tend to live longer than dwarf hamsters. You should think about how you will manage the death of your pet, especially if you have small children. As your child grows, this can be another time to talk about loss, grief, and disappointment.

After deciding whether a Syrian hamster or dwarf hamster is the ideal companion for your child, find a breeder or rescue organization you can trust. Hamsters can also be purchased from pet stores. In any case, make sure the hamster is healthy before taking it home.

The condition known as wet tail is one to watch out for. Wet-tail, as it sounds, is wet around the back, but can suggest a serious condition. Also look for dilated pupils, a tousled coat, diarrhea and tremors. Of course, new pets should always be checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Finally, you should invest time and effort in thoroughly examining every aspect of each breed. Syrian hamsters or dwarf hamsters can make great pets for children and complete families.

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