The Syrian hamster, also known as the teddy bear hamster, sometimes also called the long haired hamster, the golden hamster is the best known and popular of all hamsters. Fancy hamsters, panda bear hamsters, black bear hamsters, polar bear hamsters, and also some really weird looking hairless strains known as "alien hamsters".
Syrian hamsters measure 6 to 7 inches in length and females are larger than males and females, with an average lifespan of 3 years. They are friendly and overall very simple to tame and care. Bites usually occur when the hamster is startled, injured, terrified, woke unexpectedly, or touched during the day when the hamster would rather sleep.
Because Syrians are very territorial, it is difficult to keep them in cages or other fences with other hamsters, Syrian or not. Conflicts often end with one or two of the participants seriously injured and killed. A typical vertical wire cage used by the largest hamster species is included with the accommodation. High-quality hamster food, hamster snacks, and fresh fruits and vegetables are all part of your diet. Hamster toys are optional, but essential hamster wheels are required for a healthy body workout.
Chinese hamsters are not often produced, so they are very unique and difficult to obtain. It requires special permission only for storage, as it is prohibited in other areas. Also known as striped hamster or Chinese striped hamster, these tiny rodents are neither dwarf nor normal in size. They are approximately 4 inches long and have a hairless tail that extends about 1.4 inches, which sets them apart from all other hamsters.
Chinese hamsters are a bit wary of people, but are generally quite sociable and rarely bite. Nevertheless, they are violent towards their own people and must be separated. This small breed of hamster is very difficult to care for, especially with young children due to its small size and agility.
Dwarf Campbell's Russian hamsters (also known as Djungarian hamsters) are real dwarves, unlike Syrian and Chinese hamsters, and are much more sociable when raised with the same sex from an early age. While they make great pets, they tend to bite when startled. Not recommended for small children due to size and speed. Their fur is brownish gray with black stripes running down the spine.
The winter white dwarf Russian hamster, also known as the Siberian dwarf hamster or Siberian hamster, is very similar to the dwarf Campbell hamster in terms of social behavior. They are sociable with same-sex pairs and bite when worried or scared. Besides, they have a pleasant temperament. Winter dwarf hamsters come in a variety of colors, including sapphires (purple gray), pearls (white pattern), and a mix of sapphires and pearls. The white character occurs in natural environments due to low sunlight in winter.
Dwarf Roborovsky hamsters are the smallest of all dwarf hamster pets and are about 2-3 inches long when fully grown. Aquarium is highly recommended for these young escape artists. They are said to be gentle, gentle, and rarely bite. Dwarf robohamsters can escape easily due to their small size, so they should only be handled in areas where recovery is easy. The natural color of a Dwarf Russian hamster is a sandy brown back and white belly.